Market Night in Funchal is a traditional festive event, celebrated every year on December 23rd. In the city of Funchal, the oldest mentions of this tradition date back to 1890 at the Mercado de D. Pedro V and, since its inauguration in 1940, the Mercado dos Lavradores has become the epicenter of this festival.

On the street towards the Mercado dos Lavradores (Dr. Fernão de Ornelas Street) and surrounding areas, the spaces are filled with the famous Christmas stalls, selling fruit, vegetables, holly, among various other themed products. Philharmonic bands and folk groups liven up the market – it’s about gastronomy, it’s about Christmas carols, one of the most famous celebrations on Madeira Island!

This memorable night welcomes both locals and visitors to the biggest Christmas gathering, to enjoy the traditional Madeiran Christmas delicacies: vinha d’alhos meat sandwiches, bolo do caco and poncha, with its most varied flavors. The surrounding bars take advantage of the opportunity to stay open throughout the night, helping to make it one of the longest and liveliest nights on the island.
Other municipalities such as Santana, Calheta and Câmara de Lobos incorporate this event respectively on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of December, never coinciding with Market Night in Funchal.
Although circulation within the city of Funchal will be limited from the afternoon of the 23rd, don’t let this stop you from experiencing the famous Market Night together with Girassol.Rent!

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